1. Verify property ownership.
Registered title is the most effective proof of ownership. Private agreements or powers of attorney, are not sufficient evidence to establish ownership, and consequently, does not give legitimacy to a real estate transaction. It requires to verify ownership and furthermore, obtain official certificates showing ownership and that title is free and clear.
2. Retrieve title if lost or misplaced;
There are government agencies, such as public registry of property and general Notario Publico archives, where even old titles can be retrieved and produced conformed copies. Key information such as title number, names, property legal description is necessary to search for a title.
3. Leave real estate in a testament.
Is a legal tool to designate whom we want the property to be transferred to. In bank trusts, there can be a beneficiary designation and avoid probate. Any person over 18 years can leave a will and testament or designate beneficiaries.
4. Inherit property;
Upon death of primary beneficiary under a bank trust, or upon death of testament author, automatically transfer ownership to heirs and beneficiaries. Lawyers can pursue probate proceedings before the courts, so as can pursue recognition of second beneficiaries named under a bank trust, if property is under a bank trust