Decalogue means “Ten Commandments”, however, in this context, I see it more like a combination of a poem, principles and a set of simple rules and principles on how to practice the Lawyer’s profession. If as Lawyers, we don’t relate to these principles, perhaps we should do something else.

Decalogue of the lawyer

  1. Study:

“The law is constantly changing. If you don’t follow its changes, you will be little by little less of a lawyer every day.”

Studying, in fact, is the first thing that those of us who have opted for this profession do, it would be inconceivable to lose a case for not having been updated in terms of its legal foundations.

Indeed, there is not much to explain when talking about studying, when practicing as a lawyer.

  1. Think:

“Law is learned studying, but is exercised thinking.”

This statement tells us that it would be useless to study for the sake of studying; what is necessary is to study and think at the same time to be able to practice the profession.

  1. Work:

“The legal profession is an arduous effort placed at the service of justice.”

One cannot think of practicing the profession if we do not go hand in hand with work, which will bear the required fruits, only if we involve it in our commitment to justice.

  1. Fight

“Your duty is to fight for the law; but the day you find the law in conflict with justice, fight for justice.”

  1. Be loyal

“Loyal with your client, whom you should not abandon until you understand that he is unworthy of your services.

  1. Tolerate

“Tolerate the truth of others to the same extent that you want yours to be tolerated.”

  1. Be patient

“Time takes revenge on things that are done without its collaboration.”

Patience is another virtue or quality that every lawyer should practice. I cannot imagine a lawyer without patience exercising his profession in the Courts of Justice.

  1. Have faith

“Have faith in the law, as the best instrument for human coexistence; in justice, as the normal destiny of Law; in peace, as a kind substitute for justice; and above all, have faith in freedom, without which there is no law, justice or peace.”

  1. Forget

“The practice of law is a fight of passions. If going battle you were carrying your soul with resentment, there will come a time when life will be impossible for you. When the fight is over, forget your victory as soon as your defeat.”

  1. Love your profession.

“Try to consider the law in such a way that the day your son asks you for advice on his destiny, you consider it an honor for yourself to propose that he becomes a lawyer.”

Eduardo Couture developed the decalogue of the lawyer in the work “The Lawyer’s Commandments” which is one of the many works written by the eminent Uruguayan writer and jurist Eduardo Couture, of whom works such as “Art of law and other meditations” stand out.

“The Lawyer’s Decalogue” is a commandment of ethics and conduct that applies to lawyers in the exercise of their profession.